
Thursday, 10 May 2012

I don't like their coffee anyway.....

....I am speaking of Starbucks of course. The company that insists that there is no "small" size only "large" and "regular." I am not a philosopher in any shape or form but surely if you offer a "large" size plus a size below that, then it must qualify as "small".

You should see the "large" size

They are further damned in my eyes by serving the "regular" coffee in a cup that would double very nicely as a garden water feature and I am getting to the stage where it is easier to take my mouth down to table level rather than pull a muscle lifting the cup to my lips.

Now the good blogger Signor Mundabor is featuring a petition designed to encourage us to avoid entering a Starbucks establishment whether it be in Manhattan or Merthyr Tydfil and to make our displeasure known to the board and 
                                                                     shareholders of this company.

Well not just because the coffee tastes like ______ (can't say the word this early in the day) but because the company has made a stand in favour of homosexual "marriage."

Now I am beginning to suffer from petition fatigue and, indeed, it could be argued that the more these quick and easy online petitions are brought so readily into play, the less effective they become but......but......I cannot refuse this one, especially as I don't like their coffee.

So please visit Mundy's site HERE and sign up.

And then Google 'Costa' to find your closest alternative to Starbucks!

Only then might they wake up and smell the coffee incense.


  1. I don't like their coffee either. My husband is a Starbuck's addict but he is also very much against gay marriage so this is going to save us a good bit of money each week! I know what our Catholic bishops teach on this, and their reasons but I have no passion on this issue like I do on eliminating legal abortion on demand. I probably should study this more. I know Romans is clear not to condone this, but also can't get past there being more and more same sex couples staying together and even being very loving and caring parents.

  2. Hello, Richard!

    I just wanted to say hello, and thank you for joining my blog "Longbows and Rosary Beads." How did you locate it?

    You're blog is very interesting as well! I love the title; Is it a reference to the English Catholic Recusants who hung out their linen on bushes to let other Catholics know there would be mass said at such-and-such a time?

    I am going to sign up as a follower right now. Feel free to stop and leave comments on my blog any time. I'd love to here from you.

    God Bless,
    Pearl of Tyburn

  3. Starbuck's is acrid, burnt, and unpleasant -- so is their coffee.
