
Thursday, 24 May 2012

A beautiful Italian blog

I stumbled, by chance, across this blog called Spiritual Friends - it is well worth translating for those who, like me, speak only 'bar' Italian.

I particularly liked this picture that accompanied Antonio's post on prayer.


To me it speaks volumes. Above all else it is saying: "Covering your head looks much more reverent than going bareheaded in church" or, even, "It does not have to be a mantilla"  

And now, my thanks to all of you who have commented and are praying for my grandson. I have some sort of a glitch on my combox right now and so, I cannot respond.

But to you all, my thanks - and please keep up the prayers as his situation is still very serious and he now needs two more operations.

And a note for Jane. The email link from your profile does not appear to be working. Your series of historic posts has evoked many memories for me, really excellent, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I will continue to pray for him Richard, for speedy healing of bones.
