
Thursday, 1 March 2012

The US Bishops make a stand!

At last a move that is definite and absolute, the Catholic Church in America has rejected the Obama 'compromise'. God bless those Bishops.

It would be good if our own Bishops made a similar stand.

If you are an American citizen and a Catholic, sign the petition from The Manhattan Declaration....see below:

Manhattan Declaration
February 2012

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Cardinal Dolan, one of the original signers of the Manhattan Declaration, has, acting on behalf of the US council of Catholic Bishops, has officially rejected President Obama’s so-called “compromise” concerning the outrageous attempt to force  religious institutions to purchase insurance covering abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization.
Dolan has also signed one of our most recent and powerful statements in opposition, which you will find on this website
This issue has unfortunately become a major campaign debate. I say unfortunately, because this should not be a partisan fight. This is a battle over our most fundamental freedom: freedom of religion. And it’s also a battle over the Constitution--whether Congress can allow government agencies to legislate. It’s a battle that is going to be fought out on Capitol Hill and in the courts.
We stress that this is not a political question. This is not the Obama Administration vs. the Church. This is a question of whether the Constitution will be respected and the first liberty protected, or whether the bureaucrats will be allowed to make a decision that will override our religious liberties.
Congress would never mandate religious organizations to violate their faith. But in passing the Affordable Health Care Act, Congress in essence delegated its legislative authority to federal agencies—staffed by unelected political appointees.
We want to do our level best to keep this from becoming a partisan issue, and we want to argue always on the high ground, protecting the Constitution and respecting freedom of conscience. It’s at the heart of liberty. When this is lost, all liberty is gone.
The official position of the Bishops’ Conference signals that no compromise could succeed. Every single Christian, regardless of denomination or church affiliation, has to take the same stand.
We would be eager to know if there are groups and associations in your community you can speak with; if you will talk to your pastor about preaching on this; if you would be willing to go to other people in your community and get them to sign the Manhattan Declaration.
The most powerful weapon we have at this particular time is people power. We need 1 million people to sign the Manhattan Declaration. It will let people know we are not going to be rolled over and we are not going to quit fighting.
Can you help us?
It’s up to us—every one of us—to vigorously defend life, marriage, and religious liberty.
God bless you,
The Manhattan Declaration

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