
Friday, 23 March 2012

I was at school with Victoria Gillick!

OK, that may not vie with the headline: 'Freddie Starr ate my hamster' but it at least may have its origins in the truth.

You see, on holiday in Oz at present I am reading the great Victoria Gillick's book, 'A Mother's Tale' and, on page 92 she mentions that she attended a Dominican Convent School in Middlesex.

As far as I am aware, there was only one Dominican Convent School in Middlesex in the 1950s and that was St James's, Burnt Oak, my alma mater. I was there about the same time as VG but, no surprise that our paths never crossed as boys and girls were strictly segregated.

And, if you know not the name, Victoria Gillick, haste ye to Google and you will find that, as a young mother, she fought the battle against under age contraception advice from such knowledgeable folk as school nurses and GPs and, in fact, anyone other than the parents of the said child.
Fred the school caretaker had more authority than a twelve year old girls's mother both then and today.

She went to the High Courts and lost. How could she ever win? But she fought and that it what is important in my book.

I was working in leafy Cheltenham at the time and remember seeing yellow and black posters proclaiming 'Kill Victoria Gillick' - that immediately had me on side, a Catholic woman taking on the establishment? Brilliant!

I immediately donated the princely sum of five pounds to her fighting fund, peanuts today but the price of a night out for two then.

The poster was, of course, the work of the socialists; a degenerate bunch if ever there was one.

We could do with a Victoria Gillick today, a laywoman who is not afraid to speak out and to go the mile with the cretins who are in authority over us. Offhand, I cannot think of a male or female of her calibre today.

If you want to gain a flavour of the immense battle that she entered on our behalf, read her book: 'A Mother's Tale'. Or, just Google the name.


  1. A great woman! Where are her like now?

    God bless!

  2. The Culture of Death by definition is no respecter of humans.

    God bless Victoria.

    -- Mack in Texas

  3. Richard,
    Yes indeed VG is a great woman and Pro lifer! The only great Catholic women that come to my mind at the moment are Daphne McLeod Of Pro Ecclesia Et Pontifice and Pat Mckeever of Catholic Truth Scotland-no doubt there are many more Catholic Women who a fighting the Catholic Corner in their own humble way! Hope you are having a great holiday down under also1

    God bless,


  4. Mrs H read that book a few years back and said it was "very good." High praise indeed from she who must be obeyed!

  5. Yes a very great Catholic woman. One of her son's is doing a great job in North Lincolnshire keeping the Latin Mass alive. He is the artist also responsible for the well known painting of John Paul II. Both brothers were also responsible for the set of brand new traditional stained glass in St Mary's Catholic church in Louth. They are stunning.

    I have included a link to James website below for your information.

    This family are among the strongest Catholic role models we have in this country.

  6. Many thanks all. Yes we do need more role models such as Victoria gillick and her family. Thanks for the link, opn

  7. It's good to hear that Victoria Gillick's name still resonates after nearly 30 years, but I guess if a decent moral stand is made in an age of spiritual timidity then it's likely to endure.
    Excellent blogspot Richard. Especially like the informative side bars with their emphasis on traditional values.
    Incidentally, VG eschews computers, preferring to communicate by old-fashioned longhand. What a Luddite!

  8. Bernard - a great pity that VG is a 'Luddite' as she would make a spectacular Blogger!
    Good to be in touch again.

  9. You too Richard.
    I agree, I think sis would find her métier on the web but probably mistrusts it. And for good reason considering the latest pronouncements from GCHQ. Listen to the Queen's speech next week.

  10. I am of her calibre. I am her child.

  11. She was actually rather beautiful was she not?
