
Monday, 6 February 2012

Which would you prefer?

To play golf at St Andrews..........................or at the local municipal course?

Eat at The Ivy..............................................or Pizza Hut?

Drive a Jaguar car........................................or a Ford Mondeo?

See a show at a London theatre.................or go to the village concert?

Go on a cruise............................................or kayak up the Thames?

You can see where this is leading can't you?

Why is it that so many priests choose not to celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form?

It's like a chef saying "I don't do Beef Wellington, just steaks" or an opera singer claiming: "I only sing Rigaletto, not Madame Butterfly"

Absolute nonsense. Please visit this excellent blog for a much more erudite appraisal:

V for Victory


  1. Muy buena pregunta, pero ellos nunca nos dicen el por qué de lo que hacen.
    Con ternura

  2. I understand what you're going for, Richard, but I don't exactly buy into the "snob or slob" dichotomy. There's something to be said for both lobster thermidor aux crevettes and a bucket of KFC. (I had to look up the Ford Mondeo; in the US, it's marketed as "Contour".)

  3. Tony, you are right, of course, I would opt occasionally for the KFC but go every time for the EF.
