
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Well, the Latin Builders Association likes him....

.....and that's good enough for me!

According to today's news, Rick Santorum has triumphed in Minnesota and Missouri and we await, with bated breath, the Colorado outcome.

Now why should I be so focused on the Republican nomination for the Presidential campaign?

Simple. Santorum is a Catholic,  not just any old Catholic, he is a traditional Catholic (sharp intake of breath). By that I mean that he holds true to the teachings of Holy Mother Church and condemns abortion, civil marriage and the rest of the pinko liberal claptrap. He is not necessarily an EF Catholic but I am sure that he attends both forms when fulfilling his obligation.

He also, great man that he is, tells the Bishops what's what (H/T to Bones for his post this morning) - that gives him star status in my eyes because we do need a leading layman who is not afraid to take on the magic circles in the hierarchy.

The real point is that we have a potential candidate who can reverse the horrors of Obama-ism, who is a Conservative and a family man and who could, conceivably, take the crown of the most powerful leader in the world.

Why is Conservative important? Because the political intentions of Conservatism are good (never mind that Cameron has gone badly astray, the base levels are sound).

Keep to the path, avoid constant, incontinent introductions of new laws, make strong decisions (like deporting Abu Q pdq!) and keep a firm moral steer to all that is done; good, sound principles made all the better for a dose of the Catholic Faith.

And cap it all, the Latin Builders Association has weighed in on Santorum's side.

Who? You say. And you may well ask.

At first my pulses raced as the title excited my senses; possibly a group intent on restoring Latin in the Liturgy, brick by brick? (oh, no, please).

It transpires that they are a trade group of businesses in the construction industry, based in Miami.
And they have 750 member companies (by 'eck, that's a larger membership than the Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma!).

Here is how the US press reported the news....

"We are most interested in supporting a candidate that is going to reinvigorate the economy," said Bernie Navarro, president of the association. "After careful consideration... our board voted to endorse Senator Santorum."
The endorsement came after both Gingrich and Santorum addressed the group on Friday.
Romney did not accept the invitation offered him, choosing instead to address a meeting, also in Miami, of the Hispanic Leadership Network, a national GOP organization that tries to attract Latinos to the Republican Party.
Speaking to about 300 people, Santorum said if business regulations adopted by the administration of President Barack Obama are not repealed soon, the number of small businesses in Florida and the country will decrease rapidly.
"This room will be half as big in 10 years and half of that in another 10 years," he said speaking of the size of the crowd.


So, keep up the Rosaries, and pray for the people of America, that they make the right choice - and vote, (if eligible) for Rick Santorum also!


  1. Think he has won Colorado.....dare we begin to hope?

  2. I think someone might call that the "audacity of hope." What say you, Mr. President?

    I think it's time to define hope correctly...hoping for what is good, not a pseudo hope in socialist utopia.

  3. I hear the Santorums do go to the Latin Mass, but no one is sure if it's an EF or Novus Ordo. But as you rightly pointed out, it's not the Form of Mass that makes him a traditional Catholic. Yes, keep up those Rosaries as well as prayers for little Bella Santorum.

  4. Santorum swept all three states, although the convention in Missouri is for some strange reason non-binding. Not only that, a recent head-to-head poll puts him as able to beat the Obamination. "Just can't win," eh, Mitt?

    By the way, Richard, there's a chain award going around, and I've picked you for it. Stop by Outside the Asylum to find out what it's all about.

  5. Don't get all hopey and changey yet about any candidate, given our catalogue of wannabe saviors whose sell-by dates arrive quickly. Former Senator Santorum tends to refer to "the working class" (that would be me) in a rather patronizing fashion.

    I'm not doing a populist thing here, but I'd like to hear from candidates who are well-educated AND have had a little dirt or grease under their fingernails at some time.

    -- Mack in Texas

  6. Mack - a serious question. How would you like to be referred to?
    I think one can be proud of being working class provided that you don't make a virtue out of it.
    I speak as one whose parents were working class.
    NB: Perhaps in this country (UK), we are more comfortable with class structures?

  7. Dear Richard,

    I wish to be referred to as Sven, the Pale Avenger of the Spanish Main.

    Or perhaps not.

    Seriously, I was raised on a dairy farm, and early in life (about 0400, with the sleet blowing) vowed that I would someday own nothing larger than a beagle and would avoid the cold. I'm up to a dachshund, and in my old age teach part-time for a nifty little two-year college.

    As for class distinctions, I'm with C. S. Lewis in the matter: "We're all sons of Adam and daughters of Eve..." However, the USA is very class-conscious, though not in the sense of any sort of hereditary aristocracy, and every group capable of an forcing an identity plays those metaphorical cards. We are terribly divided.

    I do apologize for my lack of focus; we began with Senator Santorum. I remember very well the emotional sting of situational poverty in my youth, and am perhaps a little hypersensitive with that patronizing / patronising use of "the working class."


    Mack Hall
