
Thursday, 9 February 2012

A lobster award?

No, it's a Liebster Award

- and many thanks to Tony Layne of Outside the Asylum who nominated this blog for one; I am honoured and humbled.

But now I have to nominate five other blogs, whom I admire and who all have less than 200 followers.

So here goes....

1. Kissing the Leper - crept in at the end of Tony's list but deserves a full place in her own right. Apart from interesting posts, the title is a good and memorable one.

2. Streets of Gold, Olivia has a good way with words and her blog is never, ever, snarky, unlike mine.

3. An uncanny experience in Mass that closely mirrored my own when serving recently, the Licensed Fool, blog name On With the Motley recounts his own "Mertonesque" moment. A great blog.

4. Hah! the luck of the Irish (or should I say Providence).
 St Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association, (SCCHA for short) scrapes in with just 199 followers.
Again, this blog focuses on the good things in the faith and we need a few blogs like that to counteract the curmudgeonly among us.

5. Through Vocation is a blog run by a seminarian called Daniel (I'll pass on his surname). Apart from running a good blog, Daniel would be a worthy recipient of our prayers - we value our seminarians beyond all imagination, God bless them all!

So now, dear friends, the lobster  Liebster passes to you and, for your part, please find five blogs you admire, ask them to feature the award logo and...well you know what to do dammit!


  1. Thank you Richard! I'm quite honored. Though I do wonder what I'll come up with this time. This would be the second Liebster that I've gotten, and I can hardly endorse the same five blogs as last time.

  2. Daniel, I was in the same boat, sorry to lumber you again.
    Get well soon.
    God bless. Richard
