
Friday, 6 January 2012

This week's best blogs

For a truly horrifying experience..................The Little Way

Ever wondered why Christ was circumcised? Taylor Marshall has the answers

What list would be complete without a piece on the Bishops. This is about one who was a father to his flock - really! (This is not meant to be sensationalist but to show that we definitely have a problem). Read Rorate Caeli

IHS? This is what it stands for - thanks to Fr Ryan Erlenbush at
The New Theological Movement

Catholic art, still beautiful, still alive today - New Liturgical Movement's Shawn Tribe has it covered

The good Bishop - another Bishop has stood up to be counted. The inspirational Fr Simon Henry on Offerimus Domine

Utopia does not exist. Or does it? La Crosse sounds pretty much like it according to The Badger Catholic

And Catholic and Welsh Gareth Hurley on the drift towards assisted murder of the old and infirm in our society

1 comment:

  1. I came over from The Little Way and I am glad to have found your blog. Looking forward to reading more, especially as I share a love of the Latin Mass.
