
Monday, 9 January 2012

If the Good Lord can't come -

He sends!

This was my mother's standard response to something good occurring in our family household and it was never more true than the recent arrival of Fr Timothy Gallagher OMV, on my scene (and screen) at any rate.

The aftermath of the Fr Corapi episode left a bitter taste but in Fr Gallagher we have a man who has all the attributes necessary, not just to replace him, it would be quite wrong to compare the two, but to fulfil a gap in Catholic media teaching.

We chanced upon Fr Gallagher quite by chance as we rarely watch EWTN these days, so mushy has it become.
Maybe it was my GA tipping me off that led me to switch to 589 only to be immediately held in thrall by this sofly spoken priest.

Those who disliked Fr Corapi for his loud soap box manner will be delighted to know that Fr Gallagher speaks sotto voce and this lends power to his words.

He has his own website and modest range of books and CDs, visit it here and the OMV stands for Oblates of the Virgin Mary, a religious community dedicated to retreats and spiritual formation according to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.

I am only at the very beginning of getting to grips with this priest's range of books,  but, according to his website, the one to read, if you are at a crossroads in life or are facing some difficulty (as so many of us are) is 'Discerning the will of God'.

Available on Amazon or from Fr Gallagher's website

Here is how his website describes the book:-

Discerning the Will of God

If you are facing a turning point in life, you know how difficult it can be to try to hear God's will amid the noise of other people's expectations and your own wishes. Ignatius of Loyola developed a series of exercises and reflections designed to help you in these times so that your decision can be one that conforms to God's will for your life.Discerning the Will of God: An Ignatian Guide to Christian Decision Making is a trustworthy guide to applying those reflections to your own particular circumstances. This guide, which does not require any prior knowledge of Ignatian spirituality, can be used by people of any faith, though some elements will be more directly applicable to Catholic readers.


  1. I've actually met Fr. Gallagher. I was once considering joining the Oblates and went to visit their seminary in Boston, and Father happened to be there. He's a very good and holy man, and his books are excellent too. I used to own the one the you've written about here, and it was more than helpful.

  2. according to the canons of the Liebster Award I am to notify you of my selection.
    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
    -Michael (praylium)
