
Saturday, 31 December 2011

The LOTH New Year Blogger's Honours List

It has been a bumpy old ride, my first full calendar year as a Catholic blogger. But, on the whole, I have found it enjoyable if a shade challenging at times.
The greatest benefit to me has been the fact that blogging has brought me into contact with others of the same or similar mind and I have enjoyed the company enormously.

I have decided, therefore, to mention those whom I feel have helped me by their outstanding posts. The difficulty has been in limiting the list to 15 or so bloggers.
I have had to leave out so many good friends (a quick review of my bloglist will show you who they are).

Also, I have not included blogs written by our priests.
It would be an impossible task to try and sieve through these - they are all so very heartening and good!

So here it is, the Linen on the Hedgerow New Years Honours list for outstanding services to the Faith in general and me in particular (and not in any particular order) :-

1.  Services to the Catholic Social conscience (and mine, especially)   
      Laurence England - That the Bones you have crushed  may thrill

2. Learned theological debates that give me a headache -
    Outside the Asylum   (and Tony Layne also gets a bar to his award for  
    running  two excellent blogs (OTA and The Impractical Catholic)

3. Sound historical facts about the faith, well researched and written in a most  
    beautiful pictorial setting
     - Dylan Parry at A Reluctant Sinner

4. Most heartening blog that makes me feel Catholic again -  
5. For fearlessness and kicking Episcopal doors open –
    Catholic and Loving It, James Preece of course.

6. For writing the posts that I always wished that I had written –
    Mary O’Regan, The Path Less Taken

7. Squaring up to what the faith embraces and for being on the journey -
    Stuart  James eChurch blog

8. Hanging on in there, waiting for the full reform of the reform -
    Joyce at The Little Way

9. The hope for the future - those at Juventutem London

10. More hope for the future and a blog that puts me in a good frame
      of mind….Charlie J at Chasubles and Chalices

11. For having the sharpest mind on all matters theological but also
      for not blogging enough -
      Paul Priest at On the Side of the Angels

12. Reminding us of the glories of traditional bling….John Sonnen at

13. Giving us biting satire and poetry to match, Chris Wright at Left-Footer

14. Keeping the flag flying in a cold Calvinist climate……Brian at Umblepie

15. Punchy theology that's to the point and true to its name -
      Ron Garcia Making Things Visible

Thank you all and may God grant you a Happy and Peaceful 2012!


  1. Oh, my, I hope my head will still fit through the doorway after this. Thank you ever so much. I'm sure I am the one who has learned so much from you, but I thank you just the same. You keep me honest and on track and I am so happy to have discovered your blog and made your acquaintance.

    BTW, some time ago you asked me about the black garment worn by the MC at the TLM at my parish. I made inquiries and I learned that the gentleman is a Knight of Malta and is expected to wear that black robe when he serves at the altar.

    God's blessings for a most joyous and peaceful New Year to you and yours Richard!

  2. Wow! Thanks, Richard! I know you were swayed by the fact that we share the Collins name, but what the heck - what a thrill to have my blog mentioned in such stellar company!

  3. Thank you, Richard :-)

    As you know, your blog is definitely my favourite!

    God bless and Happy New Year!


  4. Some good choices Richard, plus some new ones I hadn't heard of.

  5. Thank you very much, Richard, for your kind words, and a very happy new year to you and everyone.

    God bless!

  6. Here, here! And cheers to Tony - I concur! You've also given me some new blogs to look into.

  7. Wow, it is an honour to be on your list Richard, and thank you very much for including me. I wish that I had your stamina, you did 611 posts during 2011 - Well Done! You write so movingly as well as realistically about the situation regarding the Tridentine Mass in England and Wales.

    We've just finished our party here of champagne with Christmas cake; a lovely celebration for the dawning of the New Year. May this year of 2012 be better-than-ever and may Linen On The Hedgerow go from strength to strength.

  8. You like me! You really like me! :^)=)

    Seriously, Richard, thanks for all the help you've given me, and for being one of the first to get me noticed. (Also thanks very much to Elise! I also concur about Stuart and Dylan; plus you have some people I need to follow more closely.

    Have a happy and blessed New Year, Defensor Fidei!

  9. Thank you Richard, for this New Year surprise! To get a mention with so many inspiring bloggers, not forgetting your good self, is humbling, encouraging, and a little worrying! I know that my maternal Grandfather was in the Welsh Guards,or some similar Welsh regiment, but you weren't to know that! Also at one time, for several years in the 1970/80's, I did attend an adjoining Catholic parish church to yourself, viz. 'St Lawrence' at Feltham, but again you weren't to know that! Be that as it may, best wishes to you and your family for a blessed and happy New Year, and I look forward to many hours of enjoyment and enlightenment perusing your posts and those of other kindred spirits. Brian.

  10. Thank you so much Richard you've made my day.

  11. Hi Richard, Happy new year.
    I have asked for a Mass to be offered for your intentions so watch out!
    Love Charlie.

  12. A Happy New Year to you also Charlie.
    And thank you so much for the Mass, you have no idea how much I need it right now!
    God bless. Richard
