
Saturday, 12 November 2011

When we remember the war dead.....

....we remember the British, the Anzacs,  Canadians, Americans, Indians, many Africans and other allied forces who gave their lives or their limbs that we might be free.

But do we also remember the Germans?

"With banners furled, and clarions mute,
An army passes in the night;
And beaming spears and helms salute
The dark with bright..."  Herman Melville
The German Cemetery at Cambie, Normandy

Of course, we must; war is a great leveller and forgiveness is a keystone of our faith.

But, what about the Japanese? Have they been airbrushed out of our Remembrance prayers and thoughts?

Hard, isn't it? Is there just a small speck of racism here?

Germans equal white European; Japanese equal slant eyes Asian.....but, in God's eyes there are no such distinguishing features - only souls that He created.

"No one travels
Along this way but I,
                             This autumn evening." 
Matsuo Basho

A Sung Requiem Mass will be celebrated at St Therese of Lisieux Church, Sandfields, Port Talbot at 5pm Sunday 13th November


  1. Good thoughts Richard. Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord.

  2. Indeed. I think you express something of the unease one naturally feels regarding the manner in which the war dead are commemorated.
    Remembering is, perhaps, for those with memories. Our undoubted duty as Catholics is to pray for the departed- and for an end to war.

  3. I think you've got it right, Richard, although I note that whenever veterans of WWII get together, American and British veterans will often drink and swap stories with veterans of the Reich and the Empire. Soldiers tend to have more respect for the enemy, especially after the guns fall silent.
