
Monday, 7 November 2011

Was that a butterfly coughing or a Bishop speaking out?

My Tesco trolley from now on

It's been around for a few days now and I've been thinking on't as they say in Herriot country. This is the news that supermarket giant, Tesco is to sponsor the London Pride Gay March. What to do? Take away my custom? OK but it needs a few more than Mrs Linen and myself to make an impresssion on their multi billion annual turnover.

I also object to the title of the homosexual sashay (one can hardly call it a march). London Pride is a very fine bitter brewed by Fuller's; it is also an attractive herbaceous plant. Neither deserve to be associated with the nauseating shenanigans that take place on these occasions.

Not a pansy, it's London Pride!
Thankfully, we have the English Bishops of England and Wales who, as our leaders, boldly step into the breach to proclaim the teachings of the Catholic Faith and to lead us in this battle against immorality.

So what do they have to say on the matter? One minute, here it sort of appears as far there has not been a statement on the matter.

A Clouded Bishop Butterfly

But I wish that butterfly would stop coughing!

You might like to write to politely complain to Tesco's CEO,
(every letter helps!)

Mr Phillip Clarke
Tesco Stores Ltd.,
New Tesco House
Delamere Road


  1. The London Gay Pride march has a distinguished history, beginning in the early days of the modern gay civil rights movement when homosexuality way illegal and gay people were routinely discriminated against. Isn't celebrating the advance of civil rights and supporting further moves against inequality something positive to be celebrated?

    In recent years Gay Pride has become less of a political activity and more of a general festival or "day out", but there is still a very important social and political message attatched to it. Personally I find it disappointing that the march has gotten mixed up with big corporate sponsors; I would prefer it kept aloof from that. But why should the bishops be so bothered? There are more important ethical issues surrounding Tescos than this (cheap labour, animal welfare, plight of small farmers and smaller independent stores, environmental sustainability...). There are certainly much more significant things for the bishops to be worried about.

    Perhaps, though, there is an argument for saying that supermarkets should be careful about which causes they donate to, because the customers who buy their products do not explicitly consent to contributing to them. It got me thinking when, for example, Tescos donated large sums to the Conservative Party, and Sainsburys to the Labour Party.

  2. You can email your concerns at this contact:
    Andrew Higginson or Philip Clarke

    Please post this on to as many families and friends as possible.

    Health Protection Agency. (note sex workers marching in parade) (note man and his dog at 3:50 seconds) (hatred directed towards those who reject gay marriage)

    Richard, Bishops? This is the second reformation remember.
    So everybody, speak out now, use the time you have left with the freedom to do so, the world chastisement is here and getting denser with it's darkness. Church Militant here we come. Pius Xth naturally

  3. "homosexual sashay (one can hardly call it a march)"

    That's a funny phrase.

  4. Correct. [Gay] Pride has become less of a political activity; more an exhibition of adult licentiousness. Scenes of sexually provocative men cavorting in S&M gear, skimpy costumes, multiple piercings, or got up as grotesque caricatures of women makes for a fun day out for children, does it?
    There are many ethical issues one should be concerned about, one being that Tesco has opted out of its long-term funding of a cancer charity in preference to this degrading spectacle.
    And that, incidentally, goes for any overtly sexual display, gay or straight.
    Civil laws punishing and persecuting practising homosexuals ended a long time ago. So time to stop banging that drum.
    The question is whether so-called Pride marches are a celebration of equality or a never-ending in-your-face validation of difference.
    I wouldn't expect the bishops to express an opinion on a commercial decision, but I would expect them to comment in charity and in accordance with Catholic teaching on the ethics driving the Pride marches.
