
Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Catholic demonstrators take London by storm!

40 Days for Life volunteers praying outside the
BPAS abortuary in Bedford Square

But, on a sadder note, an attempt to hold a fund raising event on behalf of SPUC by volunteers in Bath appears to have fallen on deaf ears.

No response from Bishop Declan Lang whose permission the volunteers sought to use the City's Main RC Church was due to be held on November 5th but it now looks as if it will be a damp squib! Ugh!


  1. Ugh, indeed!

    We know that in "thinking Catholic" circles of the Blairite persuasion SPUC is an object of scorn, but has the disease infected the hierarchy as well?

    God help us!

    Chris Wright (Left-footer.Blogspot)

  2. P.S. Linked and tweeted.

    God bless!

  3. Thank you Chris. Prayers for your departed loved ones.

  4. Thank you Richard - the same for yours.


  5. One of my daughters thinks John Smeaton is "a legend". I think he is a latter day Thomas Moore.
    I also think that, if the Bishops had been doing their duty in 1966/7 there would not have been an Abortion Law because Our Lord said " The gates of hell will not prevail against Her" So that means, His Church is a fighting force, Millitant, Authoritative and by her work pushes back hells activities. But if Her Bishops are inactive that will allow each and every vile law to settle on their country. The Holy Father, I believe, came to show them personally,how to eradicate this grip Secularisation has on British lawmaking. Didn't he tell our Bishopsof E&W at their last Ad Limina, they were not doing their work, then came his visit. Nothing changed bar a few more dear Bishops raising their heads above..... and don't they get pushed out of the circle and left in Siberia.
