
Sunday, 30 October 2011

Christus vincit, Christus regnat!

The great feast of Christ the King and a double celebration as the High Mass celebrated at St Benedict's, Sketty, near Swansea was probably the first one to be celebrated there since the early 70s.

40 plus years of indifferent, banal church music replaced, at a stroke by the beautiful singing of the Newcastle Emlyn Schola  - wonderful!

A goodly sized congregation attended at 3pm and, for many, it was the first Latin Mass they had been to since Vatican II and the introduction of Mass in the vernacular.

Sorry the pictures are not too good, the camera had an attack of the vapours at such high excitement!

Thanks to Fr Neil Evans, Parish Priest and to Fr Jason Jones, celebrant, and to the Schola Newcastle Emlyn the altar servers.

1 comment:

  1. Richard,
    Your pictures are far better than mine, that were taken today at the 11-30am Missa Cantata at St Dominic's Priory Church Newcastle upon-Tyne; I cannot seen to get them from my camera to the computer; I am absolutely hopeless at IT!

