
Friday, 23 September 2011

Violence, pornography and sex at the cinema - but no smoking please!

Licenced to kill, seduce, lie and cheat - but not to smoke!

Yes, this says it all really. The fact that those in authority who seek to invoke the nanny state on the one hand but open the door for Satan on the other are now about to set another silly piece of regulation into force.....films showing people smoking are to be censored and issued with a classification code alongside PG which stands for 'Anything goes' 15, meaning 'you are 15 years old so it's about time you learnt about depravity and 18 meaning 'be prepared to come face to face with Lucifer'.

Ah me, at times I do long for those days of innocence when a man and  a woman were handcuffed together for night time scenes.....I'm talking about 'The Thirty Nine Steps' what were you thinking?

Honi sont qui mal y pense!


  1. Do you remember when Brunel's cigar was airbrushed out? Only the other day a theatre banned smoking on stage in the performance of Susanna's Secret, thereby rendering the story totally pointless.
    It's the equivalent of the Victorians putting fig leaves on the nether regions of male nude statues.
    At the rate we're going it's only a matter of time before the Govt. appoints a Smokefinder General.
    Ah, yes, *that* scene in the Hitchcock version of The Thirty-Nine Steps. Whew!

  2. ".I'm talking about 'The Thirty Nine Steps' what were you thinking?"

    One of my fave films. I knew I liked you, despite your lack of love for charismatics. We'll have you singing "shine Jesus shine" yet!

    Keep up all novenas please. Thank you.
