
Friday, 16 September 2011

Fish on Friday......

Catholics? Can't stand 'em! is now back on the Friday menu, thanks to the Bishops of England and Wales - but how many Catholics realise that it is a Church requirement that we must also engage in a fish dance on Fridays also?

A brief training clip follows:-


  1. Richard,
    Who will take notice to the Bishops directive, especially in this economic climate: Fish is more expensive then Meat! Great post.

  2. frOM STUDENT CROSS 1969, in the days when Catholics were dropping from 50% of the prison population , but were still in there, , write this song whosoever, and catholic inmates had meant meatless Friday fish, not just in Strangeways prison.(The only UK public building in neomazarabic style.
    There’s fish every Friday there’s fish 3 foot wide
    It covers up the plate, and hangs over the side
    You can tell that it's Friday, just by the smell
    Cause the fish have all done time in the Strangeways Hotel"

    Full song as sung walsinghamwards late sixties:
    Last Saturday night I got into a fight
    I woke up on Monday in a hell of a fright
    Cause the judge said 'Young feller, you're bound for a spell
    Of six months hard labour atthe Stangeways Hotel'
    Too-ra-loo, I can tell, hula ula
    They've (+ or – some) bloody/very strange ways in/at the Strangeways Hotel

    It's porridge each morning it's strong and it's thick
    It clogs up the drains and puts hairs on your... elbows
    And how do they make more up when one lot's all spent
    They mix two loads of sand up with one of cement
    There’s fish every Friday there’s fish 3 foot wide
    It covers up the plate, and hangs over the side
    You can tell that it's Friday, just by the smell
    Cause the fish have all done time in the Strangeways Hotel
    Well, we don't sleep like tops and we don't sleep like logs
    Coz the bedbugs have feet like colliers clogs
    They bite you and pinch you and they wrestle you as well
    Then they kick you out of bed in the Strangeways Hotel
    Well, the Wardens, they read bedtime stories at night
    Then tuck as all in, and turn out the light
    And then give us a big kiss - to make sure we sleep well….
    They've some bloody strange ways in the Strangeways Hotel!
    75 recording on youtube, slightly different lyrics

    Bring back fish on friday and 25%population catholic, poor and with big families. They may weel imprison the lot of us, and we wouldn't hit 50% again!

  3. But there are alternatives to expensive fresh fish. There are fish cakes/fingers often on offer at supermarkets, tinned sardines, (good for your bones), left-over fresh fish scraps in a mash-topped pie.
    But it doesn't have to be fish. How about egg and chips, or an omelette, pasta with a veggie sauce, or veg curry.
