
Sunday, 25 September 2011

"Blogging should be made a serious criminal offence" states priest

Yep, this is true, or at least the statement is true. All will be revealed next Friday 30th September in a post I am working on regarding exorcists - until then, please keep me in your prayers...who knows what one may find when you begin looking under stones?

And on a lighter, more positive note.....

It was reported in Saturday's Daily Telegraph that London's Hyde Park is to introduce a series of 'natural' features to enable children (not kids, please note) to understand and learn about the wonders of nature.

'Glory be to God for dappled things..'
 The features will include that modern version of the village pond now known as a 'dipping pond' and, get this, children will be able to slosh around collecting water boatmen, caddis larvae and all manner of aquatic creepy crawlies - marvellous.
If you want to learn about Almighty God and you are six years old then a dipping pond is a brilliant place to begin.

Please God the Health and Safety fascists and the Nanny Society will not get to hear about this.


  1. I enjoyed the lighter part of your post, but what of that first bit? It's very troubling :-/

  2. Here in America a village pond would be required to have safety fencing, lifeguards and rescue boats. The EPA and the local DNA would regulate the manner in which the bugs and tadpoles could be caught and set up a daily limit. Special training would be required of parents so they could explain just how similar frogs are to people and why they should have the same rights.

  3. Aha! Found the Warningsfromhell site have you Richard?
    My computor never worked well ever since going on it, be warned!
    Satan hates being found out at a disadvangage. and Our Lady is his biggest one.
    Will definitely say prayers for you but keep up the good work fearlessly.

  4. Momangelica, yes, it is most strange and has happened before. My pc is now only half working, no sound etc. It happens every time I post on ykw!
