
Sunday, 10 July 2011

Ramblings.....(or rantings)

Served at Mass on Corpus Christi but, after Mass the celebrant left the procession to meet with the congregation as they left the church. We servers, complete with 3 non participating priests, proceeded to the Sacristy where we knelt for a blessing. The lead priest looked aghast and I had to explain that we wanted his blessing - he gave it, in English and with a look of shock and concern on his face.
At OF Masses are blessings not extended to the altar servers after Mass?

In correspondence with an Indian seminarian and fellow blogger. I posed the question as to how he regarded the fact that we in Great Britain are now recruiting young Indian priests to plug the lack of vocations gap. He stated that, as we (GB) had helped India over the years with missionaries, legal systems, railway networks etc, he was pleased that his country could reciprocate by sending us missionary priests to support us in our hour of need. Great sentiments but I still believe it to be a poor practice on behalf of the CBEW.

If tobacco commercials are banned on British television - why has the go ahead been given to screen commercials for abortion clinics?

If a 'Red Mass' may be held for Lawyers and a White Mass for Physicians shouldn't the Warwick Street Masses be Pink ones?

Has anyone seen Melanie Lately.....lately? This is The Tablet stringer who wrote on how striking one's chest at the Confiteor equates to child abuse. Can't find her on Google, even Ozzy Google.

Can we just agree that Shakespeare was obviously a Catholic - and move on?

Is Archbishop Nichol's style of management autocratic? (Vaughan School and Catholic Prison Chaplains episodes spring to mind).

Can we just close down the Catholic Church  in Austria and start again with a clean slate?

Just who is going to queue to confess their sins to the Holy Father in Madrid? Must be very brave or completely barking.

When will the LMS tackle Menevia Diocese regarding their website information on availability of EF Masses? - it is wrong on 4 counts (which is a lot when you only have 6 venues to list)

Why are Syro Malabar rite Masses springing up everywhere yet we still struggle to find a Church with a Sunday EF Mass?

Oh, and when will nuns learn that dressing a la British Home Stores marks them out more than a wimple and habit?


  1. I'm tempted to say "Calm down, dear" but I don't fancy a dead liturgy thrown at my head.
    Instead, here's a short list of old Catholic hymns (you never hear today) to cheer you up.

    To Jesus' Heart All Burning
    Sweet Heart of Jesus
    O Godhead Hid
    Jesus My Lord My God My All
    O Causa Nostrae Laetitiae - The Holiday Hymn
    Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother
    Guardian Angel from Heaven so bright
    Faith of Our Fathers.

    I was prompted by your post on the Guild where I wasn't able to leave a comment. The hymn you mentioned featured weekly at our convent school, probably because the headmistress was Sr Marie Xavier (not the original, I hasten to add). It was also sung at my mother's funeral.
    I really miss the old stalwarts. They'd provide a solid bulwark against some of the horrors.

  2. Genty - you left out the Guardian Angel hymn!
    You have started something now, sent me off on nostalgia therapy!

  3. Genty - you did include the GA hymn, I definitely need some form of therapy.

  4. Genty - You could try visiting my parish (I'd invite Richard, too, but my pp won't do the EF). Only last week we had 'Faith of our Fathers' to commemorate St Thomas More's obit day, and in recent weeks we have had 'O Godhead Hid' and 'Sweet Heart of Jesus'. Part of the trouble is our rubbish hymnal doesn't include half the old favourites. Thank you, Kevin Mayhew (not).

    Incidentally, you have inexplicably left 'Full in the Panting Heart of Rome' off your list.

  5. Ooh-er. Smacked wrist for leaving off 'Full in the Panting Heart of Rome'. I had vague hopes it might be feature during Pope Benedict's visit. I don't suppose I missed it somehow?
    As far as I can recall it was always sung on the anniversary of the Pope's election.
    Given mine was a short list, rather than a shortlist, I also left out Sweet Sacrament Divine, Soul of My Saviour and Praise to the Holiest because they are sometimes sung - not often, though.
    The thing about the old hymns is that are all easy to sing, not too high-pitched for altos like me, and some of them are real proud-to-be-Catholic belters.
    I go on strike when the modern stuff is on offer. Can't be doing with all those silly diddly-diddly bits, plus I've always loathed folk music.
