
Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Just for the sake of some reminiscence therapy (and a few good Catholics)

Remember the hymn to one's Guardian Angel? No? it is.....

Not a guitar, flute or didgeridoo in sight! Deo Gratias!


  1. Beautiful - thank you. Sadly, I'm not a cradle Catholic, but one of those rabid ultramontane converts, so I have never heard this before.

    I gave my grandson a beautiful print, popular here, showing two children crossing a rotten wooden bridge with missing planks. Their Guardian Angel is making sure they don't fall.

    I play the flute, mainly Irish and classical, but never in Church, tee! Hee!

    God bless.

  2. Interesting. Not the tune I know.

  3. Lovely hymn, thank you. We sing this regularly in Our Lady's Chapel,Stronsay. Same tune, same words, same sentiments.
