
Thursday, 14 July 2011

Catholics of England and Wales rise up and kneel down!

That is an exhortation, not a contradiction in terms, and one that calls for careful consideration. I am saying that now is the time for English and Welsh Catholics (and others who may wish to join in) to disobey the Bishops - gulp! Yes, disobey them and kneel to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion.
Stop shilly shallying and just do it! Kneel. It is your right and the right thing to do.
Who will you offend by doing so? Your parish priest? Fellow parishioners? Tough!
Who will you offend by not doing so? - Almighty God.

It doesn't have to be a big thing, just go down on one knee (if you are able) and if you take some flak after Mass remember that Christ took some flak for us also and it was much worse than a nag from one's fellow man.

The Bishops of England and Wales are quite wrong to state that reception of Communion standing should be the norm - so do not stand for it, kneel!

The following piece was written by he who must be obeyed, the Holy Father (when he was Cardinal Ratzinger)

"It may well be that kneeling is alien to modern culture–insofar as it is a culture, for this culture has turned away from the faith and no longer knows the One before whom kneeling is the right, indeed the intrinsically necessary gesture. The man who learns to believe learns also to kneel, and a faith or a liturgy no longer familiar with kneeling would be sick at the core. Where it has been lost, kneeling must be rediscovered, so that, in our prayer, we remain in fellowship with the apostles and martyrs, in fellowship with the whole cosmos, indeed in union with Jesus Christ Himself. "
H/T to Roma Locuta Est and The Muniment Room

1 comment:

  1. Tenho 75 anos e foi assim que aprendi, foi assim que me ensinaram quando era criança.
