
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Can you think of any priests, Bishops or Archbishops who do not condemn homosexuality?

Aaahh...mmmm......let me think now....errr. there's Father A, B and P and Bishop R, S, G, well all of 'em really and then there's - don't go there!

Cardinal Robert Sarah

Well Cardinal Robert Sarah has stated in no uncertain terms that they are all in grave danger of finding themselves on the wrong side of Divine judgement. Here is what he said:

"If we have fear of proclaiming the truth of the Gospel, if we are ashamed of denouncing the grave deviations in the area of morality, if we accommodate ourselves to this world of moral laxity and religious and ethical relativism, if we are afraid to energetically denounce the abominable laws regarding the new global ethos, regarding marriage, the family in all of its forms, abortion, laws in total opposition to the laws of nature and of God, and that the western nations and cultures are promoting and imposing thanks to the mass media and their economic power, then the prophetic words of Ezechiel will fall on us as a grave divine reproach.”

Whew! Hot on the heels of Fr Vincent Twomey we have a senior churchman telling the world what the traditionalists have always held to...the true teachings of Christ, not the compromised teachings of Christ or the teachings of Christ according to the homosexual lobby or the anti life groups; the actual teachings of Christ as handed down to us by Christ Himself.

This Cardinal is not afraid to speak the uncomfortable (to many) truth. In May he addressed a gathering of aid organisations and instructed them that he had noted :

“a serious moral regression and gradual ‘silent apostasy’” in the western world. He also noted that foreign aid for Catholics “is not merely philanthropic and humanitarian assistance aimed at relieving a certain kind of distress, but also and above all it entails giving back to human persons all their dignity as children of God, and promoting an anthropology that also encompasses the religious dimension of human persons, namely their encounter with God.”

What is more, in his June address he said that:

"... in modern society “we no longer know what is evil and what is good. There are a multitude of points of view.  Today, we call white what we once called black, and vice versa.  What is serious, and make no mistake about it, is the transformation of error into a rule of life. 
“In this context, as priests, pastors and guides of the People of God, you should be continuously focused on being always loyal to the doctrine of Christ.  It is necessary for you to constantly strive to acquire the sensitivity of conscience, the faithful respect for dogma and morality, which constitute the deposit of faith and the common patrimony of the Church of Christ.”

Sometimes one feels an enormous sense of relief at hearing such sound teaching coming from a Cardinal; it comes at a time when so much tripe and nonsense has been flung around the ether by those who are supposed to be our shepherds that we almost begin to doubt our own sanity, and begin to think that we have just gone barking mad and, somewhere along the line, missed the big point.
That is not the case. The Church, always when faced with grim opposition, even from within, comes to the surface with an explosion of sound common sense thanks to a liberal helping of the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Deo Gratias!

Pray for Cardinal Sarah; pray for the Faith and pray (yes pray very hard) for our Bishops.


Cardinal Sarah hails from Guinea and on 20 November 2010, Pope Benedict XVI created and proclaimed him Cardinal-Deacon of San Giovanni Bosco  in via Tuscalona. He will have voting rights until his 80th birthday. On 29 December 2010, Cardinal Sarah was appointed a member of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples,  Pontifical Council for the Laity and Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.


  1. Thanks.
    Michael (The Jarrow Scriptorium)

  2. Is there a famine going on with people dying which demands far more attention from our church leaders or am i imagining things?

  3. In a way, the two issues are of a piece. The Christian faith demands that error is nailed and the Cardinal appears to have spoken in May and June, before the famine took hold.
    I don't think it's a giant leap of the imagination to see that the famine is also the result of human error, ie relentless power struggles and conflict.
    The Pope has twice spoken publicly and forcefully of our responsibility to help our brothers and sisters and the children of East Africa who are the victims of the worst humanitarian crisis in 60 years.

  4. Real Catholic TV agrees.Judgement Day 7-28
