
Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Ten events I would like to see in the Catholic Church

1. The Holy Father to celebrate the Extraordinary Form of Mass

2. The Bishops of England and Wales to establish a training programme for
    priests to learn how to say the old Mass in conjunction with the Latin Mass

3. The full development of the National Shrine of Wales (Our Lady of the
    Taper) as a focus for Welsh and all other Catholics on a par with

4. The Archbishop of Westminster to celebrate an Extraordinary Form of Mass
    on the Feast of the Holy Cross - September 14th, anniversary of Summorum

5. A return to kneeling and reception on the tongue

6. All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to be disbanded

7. Altar girls to be transferred to a special branch of The Legion of Mary

8. All folk Masses and the use of flutes, recorders, guitars, skiffle boards etc

9. Unity between Rome and Econe

10. Clerical dress for priests (black suit and white collar) to become the rule


  1. Dear Richard,
    As far as number 5 is concerned I think the CDF has just given permission, and as of right, for us to badger our Nuncio!! Please go for it. I'm in France so probably I can't do much, but I will support you as far as I can.

  2. Would you like mine, Richard? ;o)

    1) Rediscovery of authentic monasticism (as opposed to "busy apostolates with vows")
    2) Genuine, grass-roots recovery of liturgical spirituality, as a consequence of...
    3) Promotion of the traditional Roman rite (NOT '62) in the language of the people, leading to...
    4) ...the disappearance of the Novus Ordo.
    5) ...and a recovery of the celebration the Hours in ordinary parishes and the suppression of evening masses
    6) Bishops who really act and speak like bishops
    7) A deacon in every parish, and the restoration of minor orders.
    8) The restoration of the title "Patriarch of the West", and abandonment of "Supreme Pontiff" and "Vicar of Christ"
    9) Repudiation of, and public repentance for, Vatican One.
    10) The downgrading of every Council in the second millenium to that of local synod, and the repeal of several of them.

  3. Wow, I hope that is not your top ten!

  4. Thank you Anagnostis, with you most of the way there!

    Yes, Jane, you are right. it is now up to us to get in touch with ++ Mennini.

    HP - yes it is really.

  5. I would add America to point number 2. The major seminary in my diocese is starting to do this. They offer it on major solemnities, and on Easter it actually had the majority of the seminarians attending! The Ordinary Form was left with a measly five seminarians. It isn't a class yet, although some of the faculty is trying to make it into an elective. Sadly, one member keeps complaining about how it's too "archaic". I can only hope that by the time I'm transferred there things will have changed.

  6. Daniel - Good to hear that. I will include your vocation in my prayers from now on. God bless.
