
Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Catholic Priest

A 15th century piece of prose - 'His High Office'

(For all of our priests)

For priesthood exceedeth all other thing;
To us Holy Scripture do they teach,
And converteth man from sin heaven to reach;
God hath to them more power given,
Than to any angel that is in Heaven;
With five words he may consecrate
God's Body in flesh and blood to make.
He handleth his Maker between his hands;
The priest bindeth and unbindeth all bands,
Both in earth and heaven;
Thou ministers all the sacraments seven;
Though we kissed thy feet thou were worthy;
Thou art surgeon that cureth sin deadly;
No remedy we find under God
But only priesthood.
Everyman, God gave priests that dignity,
And setteth them in His stead among us to be;
Thus be they above angels in degree.


  1. Beautiful and true! I like to say that priests are the closest things to superheroes that we have.

  2. 'I like to say that priests are the closest things to superheroes that we have.'

    As long as they keep away from the old kryptonite!

  3. Richard, this is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Wondrous words. And you keep finding them.
