
Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Welcome to Archbishop Mennini, Papal Nuncio


The new Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Antonio Mennini, has been received by HM The Queen and met with Archbishop Vincent Nichols. He is warmly welcomed to Great Britain and I wish him God's grace in the work that lies before him.

We do know, of course, that some of us (at least) are far from impressed with the performance of the English and Welsh Bishops. In fact, it would be quite hard to imagine a worse scenario of disarray; few vocations (and the good applicants all turned away), Priests totally demoralised due to lack of leadership and an abysmal surrender to the secular forces, the laity, for the most part woefully ignorant of anything coming out of Rome (most will not have heard of the Motu Proprio) and Catholic Schools bullied and badgered for some highly dubious motives.

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator come, to Thy bright heavenly throne. Come take possession of our souls and make them all Thine own.

We need to say that prayer (or sing it) right now. Our Bishops may be failing us but they still are in dire need of our prayers. If prayer can move moutains it can surely bring the graces of the Holy Spirit down upon the Bishops to enlighten and embolden them so that they shine out as beacons of Christ's Faith.

Now, it would be a good and proper thing for Catholics to write a few words of welcome to His Grace and, if the mood takes you, to add a few words as to your perceived state of the Church in E & W today. It is vital that ++ Mennini is made aware of the temperature of the Faith today and is not sucked in to believing all the sound bites that are going to be posted in his direction by the magic circlers.

Here is his address:

Archbishop A Mennini
Papal Nunciate
54 Parkside
SE19 5NE

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