
Wednesday, 9 March 2011

This Friday we will join the 40 Days for life Vigil

There are many advantages to living in rural Wales but the major disadvantage is the time taken to get from Pembrokeshire to my home town of London. Only 250 miles or so but 5.5 hours by train and about the same driving (we are 70 miles from the motorway).
We like many other families, feel so very helpless faced with the strength and horrors of the abortion industry. We pay our dues to SPUC and buy a few raffle tickets but not much else, except PRAY! and that we do along with most if not all readers of this blog.
So, a much longed for ambition has been for my wife and I to join an anti abortion prayer group. We once attended the Oxford one some two years ago but have not been able to coincide a visit to family with another vigil. Until now.

We plan to be at the Forty Days for Life vigil at Bedford Square for an hour or so, I shall book online.
But this does mean that I shall be away from my computer until Monday 14th March - so no posts for a few days.
On Saturday we shall be in the West Midlands, visiting a very old and beautiful recusant house, Baddesley Clinton. Expect a feature on this great base of English Catholicism next week.


  1. We need a 40 days for life in Wales! I think there would be enough people interested, but the organistion is the problem. My friend and I were thinking of the occasional vigil in Abergavenny.

  2. Mummymayhem - I am told there are no abortion centres in Wales (but this cannot be correct). I am sure many hospitals carry out abortions.
    If you want to progress a prayer group let me know, I can raise a few followers I am sure. But not enough to man a 40 day event.
