
Tuesday, 8 March 2011


A great number of Great Britain's leading Catholics have shown their support for the parents of Cardinal Vaughan School by stepping up to the mark to be Patrons in their battle to keep this excellent school Catholic in its ethos and teaching.

More support is still needed and funds especially are welcome, Google the Vaughan Parents website

·         This evening, March 8th, Sir Adrian FitzGerald, former chairman of governors at Cardinal Vaughan, is delivering a talk to invited parents on the background to the current dispute between the school and the Diocese, at 57 Tufton Street, SW1P 3QL from 7-8.30. Michael Gormally (the former Headmaster) and Patti Fordyce (former chairman of governors) will be on hand, along with Sir Adrian, to answer questions. There will be wine. After the talk and the questions, those who wish to, will walk to Westminster Cathedral and say some prayers outside for the future of the school, on the eve of the legal appeal.  A version of of Sir Adrian's talk was first delivered on 25th January to the Order of Malta.

·         Ash Wednesday, March 9th at 10am. Appeal scheduled to be heard at the Law Courts. The case, brought by the five elected parent governors, is about the refusal of the Diocese of Westminster to appoint parents among the foundation governors at CVMS and the imposition of its own director of education on to the governing body. The judgment could be reserved. I will keep you informed of developments.      
·         We are collecting patrons at a phenominal rate, including some very distinguished Catholic journalists, authors and academics. This is the current list (subject to almost daily updates): Professor Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Patti Fordyce, Professor Luke Gormally, Michael Gormally, Lord Grantley, Paul Johnson, Edward Leigh MP, Lord Lexden, Charles Moore, Cristina Odone, Professor Thomas Pink, Piers Paul Read, Dr John Martin Robinson, Professor Mark Watson-Gandy. For short biographies of our patrons, please go here:  

·         Through our correspondence with our patrons and our leafletting activities at parishes and primary schools, we are becoming aware of just how much support our campaign has among Catholics generally, not just those with connections with the school. We are also aware that there are a great many Catholic priests among our supporters (though we are being careful to protect their identities). We are hugely encouraged by this and we are all absolutely determined that, whichever way the appeal goes, the campaign to preserve the Vaughan's distinctive Catholic ethos, its London-wide intake, and its academic, musical and sporting excellence, will be pursued relentlessly and by every possible means.

1 comment:

  1. St. Paul had strong words for those Christians who go to secular law against their brethren (1 Cor 6:1ff), and it is regrettable that the Diocese began this with their referral of the Vaughan to the Schools Adjudicator. Today's hearing in the Court of Appeal will have profound implications, not only for the School, not only for all Catholic schools, but also for all voluntary aided schools, the majority of whose governors are appointed by a foundation. It is a real shame that parents have had to seek recourse to the law of the land in order to be granted the prmary role as their children's educators that the Church already teaches is theirs.

    Please pray for the Vaughan parents.
