
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I don't like the term 'Taliban Catholic'.....

....and neither does Michael Voris apparently.
H/T to Christine at A Catholic View.


  1. Thanks for posting this - I put it on my blog with a commentary and gave you a link.

    God bless your great blogging!

  2. What Mary said! (Put it up on Impractical Catholic and gave both you and Christine links.) I'm not a big fan of Michael Voris, but I am so in tune with his frustration over the label.

  3. Certain trad bloggers ( including a priest) speak of a 'biological solution' as a means of being rid of fellow catholics who's beliefs and worship styles do not fit in with their own.
    I have no problem with their protests regarding liberal attitudes, but to wish human beings a speedy death is not good, not of God.
    I am just asking traditionalists to note that optimistically awaiting another person's end is not of god.
    God did not look at this sinful world and think "Oh well, they'll all be dead soon anyway". He looked on each of us with a love so strong that it made him send His only Son to die for us. John 3:16. Also Romans 5:8 'But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' Would we let our child die for a liberal Catholic, God would/did. Would we even pray for one (apart from praying that they die soon, I mean)?

    Michael Voris actually says that the church loves liberals, which is refreshing, as it is the first time I have ever heard a traditionalist catholic show any warmth towards 'sinners'.

    There's hope for all of us, maybe?

    I think i'm an orthodox catholic, by the way. Hope so, anyway. I'm loath to allign myself publicly with Trads because of what that image commonly conjures up in people's minds these days. It doesn't mean I don't have trad leanings though, because I do.

  4. Shadowlands - traditionalists who have such sentiments are not true traditionalists. I am orthodox and traditional and I hope and pray that liberal Catholics will become more enlightened as to the teachings of the faith and loyalty to the Magisterium. I would never express sentiments as you outlined and have to say that, not many traditionalists would.
    The "tagging" thing is a very thorny issue and I do not know the answer. On the 40 Days for Life Vigil in London recently I met a young seminarian (liberal) who observed (innocently) that those attending EF Masses seemed to be 'thinkers' whilst those attending the Novus Ordo (his words) were 'non thinkers'.
    There does not seem to be a truly Chrisitan tag, for either camp, available....

  5. Whether thinkers or feelers, may they all be good kneelers!

  6. Richard said:

    'traditionalists who have such sentiments are not true traditionalists.......I would never express sentiments as you outlined and have to say that, not many traditionalists would.'

    Well this priest would and indeed does!

    "In the meantime, I sense that good changes are picking up speed in the Church. The biological solution is taking care of the aging-hippies."

  7. Shadowlands - thanks for the link which I have read. I have to say that I do not think the comment by Fr Z at all uncharitable. This is a priest who celebrates both the OF and EF Mass. What he has to contend with are Clown Masses (and even Stations of the Cross) and other inane liturgical abuses. The comment about ageing hippies and the biological solution sits fine by me; humourous with an undercurrent of seriousness. Those in the traditional wing of the faith have suffered far greater slings and arrows over the past 40 years - and from the Bishops as well as everyone else.
