
Tuesday, 1 March 2011

And a little extra for St David's Day

John Redwood MP excelled himself while Secretary of State for Wales by miming the Welsh national anthem so poorly it has since became a Youtube hit.
For us of the clumsy, English tongue, the Welsh language seems a trial of tonsils and larynx so here is a letter (from a Welshman) from The Times:-

Sir, Kate Middleton endeared herself to the Welsh nation by singing our national anthem in Welsh last week. 
If one wishes to pretend to sing the national anthem in Welsh, there is a well-known transliteration that starts "My hen laid a haddock, my hand oiled a flea", and moves on to the chorus of "Dad, Dad, why don't you oil Aunty Glad." 
Not a religious post, I'm afraid but I am sure St David has a sense of humour and will forgive me!


  1. You did only have the ONE glass of that beer you spoke of, did you? ;)

  2. Shadowlands....still dry and likely to remain so as Reverend James Bitter is hard to find, even on St David's Day!
