
Thursday, 10 February 2011

Parish priests and's an offer you cannot refuse!

Does the name John Madden Reid mean anything to you? Yes? Oh good. You will recall then that he was born in Chile, went to Ampleforth (when it was a half decent school) and spent his career in marketing and head hunting.
He also, in 1996, wrote and published a book called "Wake up to God". Nothing overly extraordinary about that you may say. But, you would be wrong. You see John Reid then proceeded to give this book away, not just one or two here and there but many thousands. 30,000 plus, in fact.

Now "Wake up to God" is a good book, it carries an imprimatur and it is orthodox in its slant. It is aimed at young Catholics. But the good man has a current problem; old age and infirmity are catching up with him and he has put out a call via the letters column in the LMS Magazine, 'Mass of Ages' for creative ideas as to how he can ensure volume numbers of his books fall into the right hands ie Headteachers of Catholic Schools, Priests and Catechists.
John has appealed to the Bishops for some enlightenment but received none - shock, horror, surprise!
So now I am  asking on his behalf. It is a logistics issue. John has the books but has not the health to move them around the country. He needs some distribution aid......someone with a bit of muscle, a transit van or two and a network of parishes, or whatever.He may be contacted by email on and his web address is

You will not get a much better offer than that.....and it includes homeschoolers!

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