
Tuesday, 1 February 2011

More on the Vaughan......

Paul Barber is the Westminster Diocese Director of Education. An important post. One that calls for a wide range of skills in management and administration, in fact, here is the list of responsibilities for the post lifted from the Diocesan website:-


·          Responsibility for the overall development, promotion and effectiveness of Catholic education in the diocese
·          Provision and standards of religious education and the Catholic life of schools
·          The leadership and management of the Diocesan Education Service
·          Ensuring that there are sufficient and suitable places in Catholic schools
·          Providing specialist advice to headteachers, governors and parish priests
·          Responsibility for the support and advice given to religious educators, headteachers and governors
·          Representing and advising the diocesan trustees
·          Liaison with the DCSF, LEAs, LSCs and other statutory bodies
·          Representing the diocese on local authority committees

That's a full lunch box in anyone's language. I can't see anything about assuming specific school board control so why then has he also assumed the role of Governor at Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School? Hasn't he got enough on his plate?

REMEMBER: Tomorrow 2nd February 6.15pm - Candlight vigil at CVS in support of the parents who do not wish to have Archbishop Nichols and his team running their school!
I understand the school orchestra or, at least, musicians from it, will provide some musical diversions......choice of music? about....

'There may be trouble ahead'
Barber's Requiem :)


  1. I googled Paul Barber + lawyer but the only approximate I could find is a solicitor who specialised in mental health issues. Not that one, surely?
    I can't get to the vigil but will be there in spirit, hopefully at a Mass which I will offer up for them.
    Incidentally, I find zilch on the provenance of Oona Stanndard CEO of the CES.

  2. Oops, Freudian slip. I meant Stannard

  3. Genty - your Stannards are dropping :)

  4. Parents have no confidence in Mr Barber's ability to discharge the fiduciary duty of a school governor to protect the interests of the school to which he is appointed. He has sneeringly referred to Vaughan parents as "super Catholics" because serving their parishes and the wider Church is important to them, and "congregationalists" because they expect to be taken seriously as the "primary and and Principal educators of their children (Gravissimum Educationis, 3). I'm not sure how you can be a "super Catholic" and a "congregationalist" at the same time.

    Genty - it is good to know that you and many others will be praying with us tonight, even though you can't physically be present outside the School.

    Thanks, Richard, for continuing to blog about this.

  5. Ooh, you are awful, Richard, but . . . . .

    Still praying, pattif, but with a heavy heart.
    Trouble is that having wreckovated so many churches, the hierarchy has been eyeing up what else is ripe for "the treatment".
