
Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Vatican slams Berlusconi yet again over blasphemies

The Vatican has issued a harsh reprimand to so called celebrities who are taking part in the Italian version of 'Big Brother' - a show being screened on a TV network owned by the Italian Premier and ex Cruise Ship entertainer, Silvio Berlusconi.

Berlusconi, Ex Cruise Ship Entertainer - and it shows!
  Extreme blasphemies have been uttered as a matter of course,particularly featuring the Virgin Mary and almighty God - unrepeatable on this blog. This is not the first time that the Vatican has stepped in to issue a stern rebuke. Last October, Archbishop Velasio De Paolis made a statement to the press in which he said the Berlusconi should apologise not only to all Italians but specifically to all Catholics.
Following the latest rebuke it appears that those taking part in the programme have "tailored" their language and cut out the worst of the blasphemies.

 In Great Britain, it is commonplace to hear the sacred name used as a profanity on chat shows and TV dramas and it would be good if more opposition could be mounted to counteract the trend. If more Catholics wrote to the television companies to complain it would be a good start. If the Bishops jointly came out in opposition (vocal rather than silent) it would be better still.


  1. That kind of people show us very well the time we live: the name of God is spoken in vain.If they don't respect God, their Creator, how could they respect the creatures?

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  3. Totally in agreement. We Catholics need to be a lot more noisy and troublesome.
