Fr Z, that great priest and bird lover (why are so many Catholic bloggers either cat lovers or feeders of wild birds (I am in the latter category, by the way) reports an amazing text from Mgr Bux, who, upon appearing at a conference in France,
spoke of a break with Rome as being a consequence of refusal to allow the celebration of the EF Mass. Here is a report of his speech:-
.....began his intervention by saying that the French bishops, who like to interact with non-Christians, ought also to dialogue with Catholics and that they must not be afraid of the sheep of their own flock! They should confront reality and not the perception that they have of it. He recalled that the Extraordinary Form is for all of the People of God, and not just a minority, and that it ought to serve as a training for the better celebration of the Ordinary Form. He indicated that, in Italy, the implementation of the Motu proprio is done through priests. He therefore admonished priests to be courageous in the implementation of this text. Finally, he added that the refusal of the Extraordinary Form could be considered as a rupture of communion with the Pope.
God bless Mgr Bux!
The wheat must be separated from the chaff at once. They must choose who they want to serve, as Joshua said. If they are not with the Pope, they must have courage to say it and go away. There's lots of protestant denominations that could suit them. If they are already in rupture, they must go.