
Monday, 27 December 2010

If the USA can do it, why can't we?

The Catholic Church in the US does seem to be putting its house in order, thanks mainly, it appears, to the recent appointment by the Holy Father of Cardinal Ouellet as Prefect for Congregation of  Bishops.
Now American Catholic bloggers are talking of the 'Ouellet effect' that is, the revival or, at least the start of the revival of integrity and sanctity in the episcopate.
The latest of Cardinal Ouellet's appointments has just been announced, namely, that a noted pro life Bishop, Bishop Paul Coakley of Kansas, has been made Archbishop of Oklahoma City.

Archbishop Paul Coakley H/T Last Papist Standing

And, another great man is in the news. Bishop Olmsted of Phoenix has stripped St Joseph's Hospital of its Catholic status for its failure to 'comply with the ethical and religious directives of the Church' - inferring that it has been involved in abortions or referrals for abortions.
Can you imagine a Bishop of England and Wales taking a stand against the Catholic Education Service? Or making a public statement in support of Pope Benedict?
Look what happened over a similar case 18 months or so ago at St John's & Elizabeth's Hospital.


  1. Creo que es hora de dar un paso hacia adelante y denunciar todo aquello que perjudica al ser humano, y que no está en concordancia con las virtudes y valores cristianos.

    Los cambios amenazan, lentamente, a sumirnos en un mundo perdido y sin rumbo. Es el ejemplo de la rana, que tan agradable se encontraba en el agua (de la olla) que sin darse cuenta se vió cocida.

    Igual puede sucedernos a nosotros si no reaccionamos.

    Un abrazo.
