
Friday, 10 December 2010

A hymn for Advent



Creator of the stars of night,
Thy people's everlasting light,
Jesu, Redeemer, save us all,
And hear Thy servants when they call.

Thou grieving that the ancient curse
Should doom to death a universe,
Hast found the medicine, full of grace,
To save and heal a ruined race.

Thou cams't, the Bridegroom of the bride,
As drew the world to eventide;
Proceeding from a virgin shrine,
The spotless victim all divine.

At whose dread name, majestic now,
All knees must bend, all hearts must bow,
And things celestial Thee shall own,
And things terrestrial, Lord alone.

O Thou whose coming is with dread
To judge and doom the quick and dead,
Preserve us while we dwell below,
From every insult of the foe.


  1. Lovely Hymn, very poetic, who is the composer, whats the tune?

  2. theboyislost - it is from the 7th century and its composer lost in time but known to God.
    As to the tune......if you go onto Youtube you can see and hear the Oxford Dominicans singing the piece (sorry, cannot as yet provide a link)
