
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

And this week's winners are...

Putty medals go, this time to three parishes in the Diocese of Westminster for failure to mention their patron saints on their web pages. Surely this is an important issue? Not vital, I grant you but an act of courtesy to the saint concerned and a chance to inform and inspire.
Westminster Diocese does deserve recognition for having an 'overarching' Diocesean website which all parishes conform to. I don't know why more Bishops don't do the same; it allows for a certain amount of universality but, at the same time gives the individual parish plenty of opportunity to go into parochial detail. The downside is, that it may encourage apathy as parishes can just provide the scantest of details and not go into the more pastoral ones.

However, on the principle that  'faint heart ne'er kissed the pig', here are this week's winners:-

1. Wood Green Parish of St Paul the Apostle

2. Sunbury-on-Thames Parish of St Ignatius of Loyola

3. Osterley Parish of St Vincent de Paul

I spent five formative years as a server at St Vincent's and am shocked to see what has been down to the sanctuary (worship in the round). From the picture it has a very pagan feel to the whole treatment and the PP in my time, Fr Hughes RIP, will not be best pleased!

As a younger altar server, I attended St Michael's and St Martin's Church in Hounslow. This parish gets a silver award for being one of the few to provide good information on their Saints.

More putty medal awards next week.......PPs beware!

  Parish Church of St Paul the Apostle, Wood Green, London, looks a tad mosque like, apart from the cross on top of the rocket launcher!

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