
Tuesday, 26 October 2010

And this week's putty medals go to.........

It occurred to me, whilst researching St Philip Evans and the Church built in his name in Cardiff, that parish websites inavariably fail to mention their patron saint or to give any background to him/her.
This is an opportunity missed. More than that, it is a dereliction of duty on the part of the parish priest and an insult to the patron saint.

I list 3 examples, this week, from the Plymouth Diocese, home of Bishop Christopher Budd.

1. St Peter & St Thomas More, Plymouth This church must also qualify for the 1970s mad architect of the year award as it looks like a futuristic gas storage tank!

2. St Margaret Mary, Plymstock

3. St Augustine of Hippo, St Austell 

In partial defence of the three above, I must say that it was good to see that they had a website. I am constantly amazed that, in the 21st century, we have parishes who still rely on a sign written notice board outside the church. The Holy Father has given us the lead when it comes to the new technologies and communications.....why don't our priests take it?

And to those parishes who DO have a website I say...for Heaven's sake make it a professional presentation, not something that Miss Worthy-Amachur did on a Thursday evening.

Watch out for next week's putty medal award winners, it could be your Diocese next!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richard

    You will be tired hearing from me - this is my second comment on you blog today! The other one is on yesterday's post. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I like your blog and I think the title is nothing short of brilliant. Keep up the good work and visit me again. God bless you.
